EASAV Sponsorship Opportunities
Established in 1971, the Edmonton Association of Small Animal Veterinarians (EASAV) is a non-for-profit organization whose mandate is to provide local continuing education for all members of the veterinary team and to promote collegiality amongst Edmonton and area veterinarians. The association, made up of one paid Executive Assistant and 6-7 local volunteer veterinarians, currently has over 220 members (veterinarians) and has a community userbase (RVTs, non-member vets and others) of more than 650. We offer member rates to our seminars for members of the Calgary Academy of Veterinary Medicine as well as AHTs (for full day seminars).
EASAV hosts approximately eight seminars per year, bringing in highly respected speakers from all over North America. In 2010, we introduced a new initiative to continue fostering good relations between veterinarians by co-hosting Open Houses with varying clinics throughout the city. At these events, veterinarians are able to share ideas on all areas of practicing veterinary medicine with each other in a social setting. The annual BBQ at the Edmonton Valley Zoo is another very popular social event that has been going strong for 11 years now. Here, members and their families are invited for a relaxing and fun day at the zoo with a BBQ, social time with other veterinarians and their families and a behind-the-scenes tour by Zoo veterinarian Dr. Milton Ness.
With an average turn-out of 80-150 veterinarians and RVTs for full day and evening seminars, 20-40 vets at the Open Houses, 30-50 members (many of whom are veterinary clinic owners) at our AGM and 80-160 people at the Annual BBQ, we are confident that you will be pleased with the exposure and recognition your company will receive by sponsoring and attending any of our events.
Seminar topics are chosen each year by the EASAV volunteer Continuing Education (CE) Committee; topics and speakers are based in part upon suggestions from our attendants throughout each year.
For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact our Executive Assistant, Smokey Walters by email to: easav@edmontonvetinfo.com.